The Regen Insight Platform
Farmer accounts
Guided onboarding and project simulation on a branded, streamlined platform.
Designed with farmers, for farmers
The platform has been engineered for ease of use and simplicity, ensuring an optimal experience for your portfolio farmers.
Fully autonomous experience
Farmers can assess their carbon footprint and receive their earnings estimate without any additional help from you.
Administrator accounts
A suite of features that allows you to focus your time on value-adding activities instead of data entry.
Satellite verification
Monitor crops and cover crops using remote sensing technology.
Third-party verification
Request and manage external data audits directly from the platform.
Project listings
Create and manage shareable pages to market your project listings.
Farm data review and analysis
View and modify the information for the farms in your portfolio.
Analytics visualisation
Dive into data-driven insights to optimise operations.
Platform and project customisation
Customise the platform with your organisation's branding and messaging, and set parameters for your carbon program.
Capitalise on actionable insights to better achieve your objectives. Carbon results are given at the farm-level, crop-level, and plot-level.
Efficiently manage your verification process to save time and resources.
Audit tool
Initiate, track, and manage data audits across your portfolio of farms in just a few clicks.
Satellite-based verification
Utilise remote sensing technology to verify crop classification, cover crop, and biomass and yields (beta).