Rize launches a carbon contribution service for consumers!

Learn about how you can directly support carbon farming projects through our sister brand Rize.

17 iul. 2024

This summer, we are officially launching our carbon contribution service for individuals wishing to invest in the ecological transition of the agricultural sector, through our sister brand Rize.

Starting today, get involved and support local farmers by financing their regenerative agriculture projects via agricultural carbon certificates.

Check it out now!

At Rize x Regen Insight, we are on a mission to accelerate and finance the decarbonization of our agriculture.

Climate change is real. Average temperatures on Earth are getting higher and higher. To limit global warming and mitigate its effects, we must curb emissions and rethink our way of life.

Agriculture, the foundation of our food system and a fundamental pillar of our societies, is seriously threatened by climate change, which is becoming more serious every day. Paradoxically, the current agricultural model vastly contributes, emitting 1/4 of global greenhouse gas emissions.

It faces a number of risks: natural disasters, soil degradation, decreasing yields, water shortage, loss of biodiversity... a worrying present and future...

Agriculture must reinvent itself. It must curb emissions and become more resilient.

Regenerative agriculture, inspired by soil conservation principles, is the promise of a better tomorrow. It captures carbon within the soil, increases long-term yields and strengthens farm resilience. In practice, it struggles to scale though.

For lack of support to our farmers. For lack of funding. For lack of decision-making support to inform the difficult choices that must be made.

This is where we come in.

We are committed to supporting farmers in this immense challenge they face: accomplishing their ecological (r)evolution.

Our mission is to accelerate the ecological transition of agriculture by providing the means to measure, manage and finance the implementation of regenerative practices through technology and science.

Why launch our carbon contribution service for individuals?

To put it simply, we believe that this fight is everyone’s fight, that each of us should have the opportunity to invest in the agriculture of tomorrow.

We have created a unique digital platform that allows the assessment of the environmental footprint of farms and quantifies their improvements when implementing regenerative practices.

We can only manage what we can measure.

We have worked hard to create an intuitive interface with unequalled performances and rigorous reliability, powered by remote sensing, extensive documentary evidence, mandatory external verifications by third-party auditors.

Our scientific calculations and accounting methods have been audited and declared compliant with the GHG protocol and the ISO-14064-2 standard, benchmarks in our industry.

In a context of increasingly threatening climate change, it is necessary to decarbonize our agriculture and make it more resilient. Through our digital infrastructure, we empower farmers and organisations across the farming ecosystem to measure, manage and finance the adoption of sustainable practices.

Decarbonizing our agriculture and making it more resilient benefits everyone. In the mid and long term, this helps to guarantee the stability of our societal model.

This problem is crucial. We hope that everyone who shares our vision and our ambition can take part in the adventure.

This is your opportunity to participate.

Why contribute to your carbon footprint?

2 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year is the individual carbon footprint that the IPCC recommends that we reach by 2050, if we want to stay below the 1.5°C warming mark.

In France, we are still far from the mark. A French person emits 9 tonnes per year on average. Now that you know, there are 2 things you can do. 

The first is to consume better and less by following the recommendations of ADEME to reduce your footprint.

The second is to contribute to the preservation and development of natural carbon sinks which absorb our CO2 emissions.

To contribute, Rize gives you the opportunity to purchase carbon credits from regenerative agriculture projects. 

To put it simply, this means financing a farmer to adopt sustainable agricultural practices that sequester carbon within the soil.

By purchasing Rize verified and certified credits, you contribute to your personal carbon footprint and support local regenerative agriculture projects, led by farmers who are committed to the transition.

Contribute to your footprint and buy agricultural carbon certificates.


Your investment makes a difference. Thank you for your support !

The Rize x Regen Insight Team


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